Monday, March 2, 2009

Wall E

Reactions? Comments? Concerns? Responses?


Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that they started planning the movie after they started toy story O.o I don't know how far into the story they got into that long ago, I just saw them talk about it in a movie preview before it came out.....

Anonymous said...

So far I think that Wall E is a good movie. It is amazing to me how the movie industry puts real life ordeals into children's movies, when most if not all of them have no idea what's going on. The movie is going over possible disasters in the future and how the world may turn up and all that little kids see it as, is entertainment. On the other hand this goes to show that kids are being educated on issues in the world through cartoons. The media is smart to put these things into movies because they know kids will want to see it and will be taken by their parents, who are also being educated on the issues. Not only do they make money but they also advertise. I can't wait to finish the movie.

Anonymous said...

I've watched this film approximately sixteen times...and yet today was the first time I noticedhow pervasive Buy n Large is. They owned the ultra-store--a sotre that makes our "big box" sotres like Walmart and Home Depot look like safety deposit boxes. Additionally, B n L ran the gas stations, the banks, the newspapers, and evan mass transit! One corporation owning all the means of production? Sounds like communism--or maybe it's not that far off from our current reality.

For instance, Bank of America bought up all of the countries largest home mortgateurs last year, and also bought Merryl Lynch--now B of A is nearly bankrupt. Who will buy B of A? Is it possible for one corporation to won everything, and yet make us think that we have choices?

I love this film. Disney's Pixar is the equivalent of modern day Shakespeare--one performance targetted at various audiences, from the overtly innocent and simple to the most clever intellectual.

Thanks for going on this ride with me. And Jordan--one of the "trashed" vehicles left on the highway is the yellow pizza delivery truck with the rocket atop it from Toy Story...crazy!

Anonymous said...

i think that this movie is amazing so far. the absolute attention to detail is astonishing such as when you first zoom in at the beginning and your not sure if you pass satalites or a shattered O-zone but it believe it's both becuase each time we send on into space theres on more whole then that many it doesnt have wholes it's non-existant at that rate. and the fact that they included the sandiago ship yards and the news plants and coal plant along with the wind mills i believe was thier attempt to show us that the windmills arent going to save us thier just going to stall until we find a way out. and as the director showed threw his advertisiment of the space ship with the perfectness and the absolute flush atmosphere of space; that kind of thing happening is unlikely i mean mars may have had water at some point in time as they suspect but as the miss aaron said at ASU it takes 100 years for one inch of fertile soil to produce itself and they have dug at mars for years and find no sign of possible life or ever being able to do anything with the land and what we will evolve to be able to breath out thier? yeah they have thier ship and you want to be confined continuously with only so much space to hide or wonder and no way out but death along with the fact thier is no real plant life and only recycled fresh air. oh and did i forget the possibility of meteor showers that are unpredictable and black wholes left undetected. lets no forget the fact thier is no real way to release your suage but into space then killing the view or if something happens to the pipes or storage bins (like a trailer) the air quality (you know air the thing we smell and feel and live off of) is ruined for up to 24 hours and then the filter owuld be contamineated with TB +. so thiers a possibility that would grow and become a sudden plage of death that cant be controlled!
thats all
christen valentine out! ^.^

Cee-Cee said...

ok, so i first watched this movie with my little brother. for those of you with the chance to meet him, you know he's brilliant. he was explaining this movie to my mom talking about the robot n how it's cleaning up the planet cuz people killed it, of course my sister is in the background saying things like "i want a hover chair and giant slushy". but i think that conversation showed that even young kids watching will get the message, kinda. maybe he wont turn out his bedroom light each time he leaves, or remember to turn off the tv, but he wont be throwing trash out the window on the highway.
for me, and my first time watching, i was like "where's the dialog n how do i get a robot to clean my mess" but watching from a critical view, there is so many underlined things!
the thing that got me was "too much trash in your face, go to space" because that’s how we look at the planet today, we can always go to mars. n there's the idea technology will save us. i was sort of sad to see that there were some steps taken, like solar power, wind power, attempts we're trying to make to fight the epidemic, but to no avail. Wall*E is reality. i just think it's sad that because it's a kid movie it will get over looked as such, but if it were not a kid movie, it wouldn’t get the attention it receives as is.
ignorance is not bliss people. ignorance is death.

Anonymous said...

i honestly dont think kids should be watching this kind of crap. for this to be mass marketed to parents trying to find a good movie for their child is rediculous. i understand that we want our little kids to know whats going on, but that kind of harsh reality may get some kids freaked out. i know if i had watched that i owuld have freaked out. i used to watch some crazy stuff when i was little but nothing like the world coming to an end. its sort of like jaw, i will NEVER EVER go into the ocean maybe this could be good for children, they'll never ever do anything that will hurt the world. except play videogames, they are evil.

Anonymous said...

Today is the first time I have watched Wall E and I find it fascinating how they portray the world. I honestly think that it is possible for the world to end up like that. I think the quote "Too musch garbage in your face? There's enough space in space" is funny because that is exactly what we are using as a fall back. we are ruinging our earth and its sad that we have to use movies to get people to pay attention, to make it worse, those movies are targeted towards children. It's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

When I first watched this movie a few weeks ago I thought I was watching a children's movie. It was cute and fun but alot of the plot seemed to have holes in it for me that I didn't understand. Looking at it from a sustainability, consumerism, popculture and media perspective it completely changes. Although it masquerades as a childs movie it really has a hidden political agenda. It is astonishing while watching it all of the sumbliminal type messages that are hidden in it's framework. It is going to be interesting to see what the rest of the movie holds in that view.

Anonymous said...

When this movie came out in theaters I had no intention of going to see it. It looked dumb. Then you told us we were watching it in class and I thought to myself "oh no." And while I really don't think it's a movie I would watch on my own I think it does a pretty good job at showing the truth about Americans, always littering and expecting someone else to do their job.

Anonymous said...

As the movie Wall E is played an we watch it i think its funny how many times BnL is shown in the filmand we have only watched it for 30 mins. i think they are trying to take over. there like the evil villain that wants to make the ppl fat an be lazy so they can take over and destroy all planets :)

Anonymous said...

Its enteresting how they have the movie a cartoon..bu then they have human clips as in like the C.E.O of BnL is human and also the commercial for he cruse ship they are human its odd. to me

Anonymous said...

Its enteresting how they have the movie a cartoon..bu then they have human clips as in like the C.E.O of BnL is human and also the commercial for he cruse ship they are human its odd. to me

*Casey* said...

Okay So when I first saw this movie,you know being advertised, I was like "oh great Disney is killing my childhood again. You know like every time the make a new Lion King or Alladin, it's gross. Anyway I just saw it as a waste of time and that if I had to sit through it I would have to throw up. But, the fact is that it is so symbolic. When we started it I really got that sad feeling, sure the whole class was laughing at the things Wall-E was doing, but the backgroung to that was devastating. Seeing our world in runes and full of consumer goods that we all use today was just like "wow we could really kill the world". Now that I look back on it I remember my sister coming home from the movie theatre and being like "I love Wall-E" and not knowing what it really meant to the rest of the audience and how the adults took it or if some of them just were like "oh the show was cute" and didn't get that they could be looking into the future if we, as America, don't change our ways. So far I like Wall-e and it was a real eye opener, so far.

Anonymous said...

So far the movie Wall E is really good. So much of the movie seems true. Its sad that all of the laziness and the lack of knowledge the movie shows us having in the future might trully happen. I hope that the world doesn't come to all of this where we will have to fly out into space and make our own environment.Yet they are doing nothing to try to help restore the Earth. They didn't even know about the restoration plan. It's a good movie but sad at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Wall E is full of som much crap. It is all about adveristing a large world. BNL was advertised in approximately 20 different times in just the first five minutes o fthe movie. When i first watched this movie i thought it was completely retarded to be honest. I was so bored with the movie that i couldn't even get past the first 45 minutes of the movie. I do think the movie address more information now that i have actually watched it. The fact that disney(or pixar can't remember) are putting real life issues into a childrens movie is phenomenal.

Anonymous said...

Issis.I think its Disney Pixar studios.

Anyway, I thought I saw a sign in the "Axiom" that said "Welcome to the Economy", wonder what that means..... Might go watch it later today, on bluray :)

Anonymous said...

As impressive as "Wall-E" is at demonstrating the true devastation that the human race finds itself on the fast-track to, I am even more impressed by all of the other symbolic meanings you can grind out of it, even if the film's chief audience would have no idea.

First of all you have Wall-E, the sweet-natured robot steadily toiling towards a better planet, and sporting a light the same color as the signature shade of the Environmental Movemet. He finds absolutely NO value in material "treasures", like a diamond ring, but instead rates things on their sentimental meaning. The little guy is happiest when he is watching a catchy, though cheesy, old-school musical projected from a teeny iPod screen, while comfortably lounging in his less-than-desirable storage facility of a home with his only friend, the cuddly cockroach. To the viewer, such an existence would be preferred only to no existence at all, but Wall-E is perfectly content, with the exception of wanting someone to love.

Then in clomps EVE, a representation of the human world that Wall-E has only seen shadows of. m She destroys everything with her admittedly, awesome, ray gun incineration gadget, instead of taking the time to see if there is a better way of getting the job done. Not even little Wall-E can break her narrow-minded concentration on her goal: a plant.

However, one could also argue that the movie displays truly stereotypical characters. Wall-E, the awkward ahd nerdy sugarface, with coke bottle glasses-looking eyes falls in love with EVE, the hostile, suspicious round woman. Physically, the human version of Wall-E would be a very skinny, angular, whimpy boy, and EVE would be the curvaceous woman (after all, the animators made the entire shelter quake when she clumped around, failing to dance). If this were a Lifetime movie, she would have endured years of torment for her heavy state, and shut herself off from the world, and he would have been the one to draw her out of her bitter shell, which he kind of does in the Disney/Pixar version, now that I'm thinking about it.

And the nod to necrophiliawould most definitely soar over the head of the average six-year-old. You know. When EVE has had her vegetation-induced seizure/coma experience, and Wall-E is living out his romantic fantasies...I'm just sayin'.

I could keep going with more theories about the hidden nature of the cartoon, but I'm feeling a little bit ridiculous for reading as much into the movie as I have, and you get the idea so it's really not relevant, and I won't.

Anonymous said...

The movie itself is funny, heartwarming and cute. The fact the movie is aimed toward children really disappointments me. Not because i feel children are being brainwashed but because I think that Disney is taking advantage of their position as movie company for kids to lure parents into coming and seeing their movie and trying to enforce their political views on the viewers. The parents have to sit and be subjected to this propaganda because they wanted to treat their child to a cute movie about robots. Just because the message is positive in a sense and it's done in a cute way does not make it OK. And this isn't a case like McDonald's where it's up to the parents to chose not to be subjected to this material. The movie was never portrayed as an "Environmental Awareness" film. It was portrayed as another kids' film by Disney and Pixar. As a fan of Toy Story, The Incredibles, Cars, and pretty much every other movie made by these two I must say that WALL-E will be remembered just as much as the rest of these. However i feel that it will be in a sense that it affected people views of the world not as a nice children's movie.

Anonymous said...

Wall-E is more then simply a child's movie, its a movie that carries a message and expresses them to both the youth and older generations.

The message that comes across to me is we, mankind, have let the big corporations run our lives and gain too much control. BnL is the government! They control what we buy, what we see, what we know.

The funny thing is BnL supplies the consumers with everyday products, in which we see trashed on earth. So not only does BnL supply the problem, but they also come up with the solution. Are people so blind to let a corporation decide that in best interest of mankind, it is best to leave all the trash and move to space.

If we, the consumers, continue to let large corporations run and operate the way we live, then the way life is portrayed in Wall-E can be a possibility. Were the corporation takes care of the people rather then the people governing the people.

Anonymous said...

I believe that WALL E is a great movie that leaves a great message in the mind. Potraying how our world could look in a few odd years and how humans have destroyed it really has its affect. Despite its quirky humor and it cute gestures, WALL E is really a serious movie that should really be taken seriously. I think it is a fantastic way to deliver a message and a great way to show what us as humans really are doing to our planet.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think there are like subliminal messages in this movie that the first time i saw it I didn't catch. Like when it says "try the new color blue" when I first saw the movie in the theaters I didn't even think twice about it and now i realize that it is representing consumerism. Movies like this which show how corrupt our society will become ruins the comical and sweet Wall-E part of it. But it still is fun to feel smart to catch things that other people watching it probably wouldnt.

Anonymous said...

wall e is a awesome movie it portrays a very cyncical scene of what may come from the apathy towards our world. i also like how lazy the fat a**es are in the movie and the world. although i would agree with alex the movie isnt harsh so it has very little chance of freaking children out. it is definately an eye opener for those who dont find corporations corrrupt :) and that too much technology can be bad lol

Anonymous said...

Wall-E is absoulutley astounding and too cute for words....literally, especially seeing that the movie has aboslutely no dialouge. If i were a real movie critic i would give it 2 thumbs up and a 5 star rating!! I havnt even finished the movie yet but i cant wait to see what happens next. It is a mix of today's society and consists of pop culture, consumerism, media, and sustainability that are all major issues that need to be adressed, which is why im so in love with the movie......


Anonymous said...

I was reading online today that when they were brainstorming the plot and setting for the movie in 1994, that the trash filled earth was a disaster, but it wasn't a terrible event that would be on the same level as.....say everyone on earth died.....

Just thought it was an interesting read.

Anonymous said...

I really like this movie a lot. I think it's amazing that they can have a simple childrens movie and yet, at the same time, give it a HUGE message. If we continue to let huge companies run our lives, and if we continue to consume more and more and more, that IS what will happen to our earth. But will we be able to save ourselves before it's too late? What happens if we have no where to put all our trash and our atmosphere is so torn up and we DONT have the option of living in space? This movie shows that we're destroying our planet without even realizing it. And that we can't just ignore it.

Also, I think it has another message in a way. The people in the movie are pretty much CONTROLLED by BnL. BnL made their space ship (or whatever it is) so appealing because it's so "easy". You sit there and you are waited on hand and foot without even having to get up. I think this movie shows that big companies are controlling us and brainwashing us. The people in the movies didn't even realize where they were until their chairs broke! These big companies are brainwashing us into thinking that we need more and more and before we realize it, they are controlling our lives.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this movie. Not only is there a different perspective but the movie has so many hidden messages which makes the movie so much more interesting. Wall E has the cutest expressions, it amazes me how smart the little guy can really be. When i first watched teh movie not once did the word "sustainability" pop in my head. Analizing movies is fun, and i learn so much things. I cant imagine how life would be if that was close to happening. Being big and LAZY! haha. No way, i think that is why i am a little more driven to making the school a greener place and hopefully eventualy the community and world :D
i really love this movie.

Anonymous said...

From what I saw at the beginning, it seemed almost correct about the way our society is headed Big and Large!!!!I will be finishing the movie tomorrow in class and will write more about it then.

Anonymous said...

So... I didn't like this movie as an entertainment movie. I will probably never watch it again, but as an informative movie it does a pretty good job. It's a true portrayal of the laziness of Americans and how corporations control us. And like Kim said, it describes where our society is heading... BnL! It even showed in the captains area all the pictures of all his preceding captains, each getting larger as the time went on... just like todays Americans.

Anonymous said...

Wall- E seems in a way to symbolize the way we live now.. Think about this in the 1950's less than 10% of people where classified as overweight/obese now more than 64.5% of americans are in that category.Similar to the wall-e movie where the pilots throughout the years got larger and larger. The people in space went through the same timeline changes as we have been in the last century. In the 1900's every 1 in 150 people were obese/overweight. This clearly shows us that we make the same mistakes over and over. Wall-e also shows the signifigance that advertisers can have on us as well. BnL owns everything similiar to the system a communist state. And its likely that the things we see in Wall-e could very well happen. Maybe or maybe not in our generation but definitly in the future.I think its good for children to see the harsh realities because if they don't then we are only setting them up for failure. I mean we sit there and let our kids play massive killing games we let them watch action movies with drugs killing etc...but we won't let them see a movie having to do with sustainibility and the possible future of our earth because of mistakes our ancestors have made. If they know this at a young age maybe they will be better equip to make better decisions for the enviroment. If we aren't getting themessage out there than ho will everyone realize they seriously need to rethink how we use products and how we use our natural resources

Anonymous said...

I have only seen the movie WALLE twice since it has come to theatres, but I believe the movie to be a great representation of our global society's enviornmental and consumeristic quagmires. Of course, like most Disney and Pixar movies, their is a hidden politial agenda. However, I am actaully glad that pro-enviornmental viewpoints are being pushed onto the youth of our society through media messages.

Much like in the movie WALLE, we have found ourselves to be in the crisis of resource depletion. We just assume that if we have the money for it we can buy it. But, their will be one day when you cannot buy gas anymore, or their is too little electricity to go around for convienience sake. All because our method of energy collection is dependant on fossil fuels. Their is only so much oil and coal in the world to be drilled and collected. Which is why I believe it is a positive ideal to have the pro-enviornment message pushed onto our society. At least if we take dramatic action presently their is a chance we can distill mass future damage to the earth. (Maybe one day even reverse the harmful affects we have already caused).

Our overwhelming consumerism was displayed in a simple context that held a large impact, in the film. When WALLE could not decide what category to put the spork in. This simple example demonstrates great length to how we have affored ourselves too many options. And because of such unmoderate production of products we find ourselves in the current predicament we are facing.

It was highly amussing to me to discover that WALLE is like a portable solar compacting machine. While on the sustainability trip at ASU, I noticed their campus had solar compacting trash machines. This was interesting because our bent logic tells us to make the trash smaller, by compacting it, and stick it into a larger hole in the ground. Why are we wasting such time and effort with engineering? Should we not be using all focus on creating machines that eliminate the waste, versus still relying on landfills? The message WALLE demonstrates to me is that you cannot deny the inevitable by configuring wrapped logic. Instead of trying to go around the problem, simply cut to the center and take care of it. Just as in WALLE, the millions of solar compacting machines could not find enough space for all the trash, I believe we will run out of space as well.

The only part to WALLE that I did not really understand was why did the producers and directors of the film select the musical they did? WALLE watches the musical with the people singing and dancing. Why that musical above all the other ones? Is their a message the film companies are trying to relay?

Justin McClelland

Anonymous said...

The most powerful symbol in the movie is the future obese people. I love that everybody was constantly eating and pushing buttons for more food, and all they do is watch a TV screen. Then the captain himself was illiterate and uneducated. He kept questioning the defination of his initial question, and he continued on and on. This is a reflection on our society today. We are getting bigger, lazier, and has less common sense than ever.

Anonymous said...

Since watching Wall-E, every movie that i have seen from Disney/Pixar, I have watched again just so I can use critical theory. Wall-E is an incrediable film. I enjoy the fact that the creators of the film are educating thier audience even though at times people dont realize that it is happening. It still cracks me up that the people on the ship had no idea that they had a pool!It proves just how unaware society can be!

Anonymous said...

The movie itself i didnt like. the first time i watched at the movies i fell asleep. when we watched it in class it had somewhat more meaning and i can see how much the people are pretty much destroying themselves and if they dont change things soon it will get worse. so after all the movie had a purpose and wasn't about love.
karla torres

Amanda said...

The movie Wall-E made many comments about sustainability and how today's society is not working effectively to help keep our earth running smoothly for many years to come.

It definitely criticized the big corporations, Buy N Large being their prime example of how consumerism can take over a country. It had a monopoly over almost anything you could want to buy.

With that, I call BS. Disney has no place to make a movie that is so harshly commenting on this huge company, when Disney itself is a "Buy N Large" type corporation! I mean really, who NEEDS a Hannah Montana Wig or a High School Musical backpack? No one does, yet through clever advertising and cute child stars, Disney is selling these things by the millions.

In the end, the irony of Disney's Wall-E can not be denied, and although I enjoyed the movie, Disney really needs to stop calling the kettle black.

-Amanda Hall