Friday, September 21, 2007

Epics and Essays

This week we finished our unit on Anglo-Saxon literature and the epic. We spent most of the week outlining and prewriting for our compare and contrast essay. These essays will compare epic elements of Beowulf, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and The Iliad.

HOMEWORK: Finish FINAL draft of essay due Monday.

Remember to keep reading for your QUARTER project...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Epic of Gilgamesh

This week, we're reading the Epic of Gilgamesh (the oldest recorded narrative in the world!) and comparing its epic elements to Beowulf. Your projects are due on Friday!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Beowulf, part 2

Today we finished the epic poem (or at least a short version) Beowulf. Read p. 39, "The Fury of the Northmen" and complete the Response and Analysis on p. 40.

EXTRA CERDIT: POST a comment about whether you think Beowulf's choice to face the dragon was a brave decision or a dumb idea. Explain your belief.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today we finished part one. At home, you need to read the article on "Life in 999 AD" as well as complete the Response and Analysis questions on p. 32. We will continue reading tomorrow, and a QUIZ on the entire sotry and vocabulary will be on Monday.

You also received project handouts today, start thinking about, planning, and working on your project NOW. Avoid waiting until the last minute. The project will be due Friday, September 14, and is worth 20% of your grade (so far) in this class.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weekly Vocabulary

Define and write contextual sentences for each of the following words. Hint: use the index or glossary of your literature book to help you find definitions.

1. motifs
2. archetype
3. foreshadow
4. epic
5. epic hero
6. imagery
7. symbolism
8. syntax

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Early British History

Alright...I've set up the blog so that I get emailed when you post a comment--since I do check my email fairly regularly, I might be able to respond to your questions :) This week, we focused on the historical background and geography of Great Britain. You should be able to describe the various peoples and languages that have contributed to the English language. ANd you should be ready to begin reading Beowulf next week.

For those of you who missed class today, we took notes on the early history of England. Most of the information is in the book, pp 4-17.

HOMEWORK: Read pp 4-17, taking notes...we will have a quiz on Friday; also, review your vocabulary words (p. 20) for QUIZ

I was hoping someone would eventually post on the blog--big thanks to Smooth-e and Jazz for being the firsts...BTW, please leave your name when you post--I have no idea who's posting/commenting based on the email name :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

tonights homework

Mrs. R can u write on the blog explanning our homework, because sometimes i dn't get it. Like todays homework i dn't get what we suppose to do.

Monday, August 27, 2007

What is this about?

I need to be informed about these blogs a little more...
I say this would be a useful place for debates.
and Mrs. R? R u gonna have a blog spot for AP Gov't??
That class has all the hot issues....

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Senior English--Week 2

Here we the real English class begins. This week we've worked on discussion methods and argument, how to ask questions and probe assumptions, and how to write a well-thought-out English paper. Now you have to apply all those concept.

Tonight you will create a final draft of your essay. [Topic: The legal drinking age should be lowered to eighteen. Defend, challenge, or qualify that statement in an essay.]

Due Friday, August 24: in your two-pocket foler--Final draft in left pocket, rough draft, revision notes, and outline/prewriting in right folder

All complete essay folders handed in Friday, August 24, will receive full credit. Late folders may still receive half credit on Monday. All projects not turned in by Monday receive a ZERO and a phone call home.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Welcome to Senior English!

Your senior year is finally here...and you have the crazy English teacher who is going to encourage you to think, write, and share your ideas in a public forum! Check the blog each day for homework details, assignment changes, and best of all...for the topic of the day. You may blog as frequently as you like, but as with class dicsussions, the rules stay the same. You must write using an appropriate format and tone, you must be respecftful of the view points of others, and although you may challenge the ideas of fellow classmates, you must always do so in a respectful and constructive manner.

HOMEWORK: Syllabus sign-off...also have your parents check out our blog!

Blog Topic: What could MHS do to make it one of the BEST high schools in the state?