Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What is Love...

...baby, don't hurt me...seriously, what IS love? Who is capable of love? When are we capable of love? Should eighteen year olds marry?

For those Twerds out there who have read the Twilight series: Bella and Edward? An eighteen year old making an ETERNAL commitment to an eighty-four year old vampire? Many parents appreciate the book series because it promotes abstinence until marriage--as teen readers, did you perceive that message? Are there more controversial issues the series provokes? Is it yet another dangerous lie for teenage girls to consume, another myth perpetuating unrealistic and unattainable romantic possibilities?

Friday, March 27, 2009

You Knew It Was Coming

We watched a film--you thought we were just goofing off, but here it is. You knew it was coming. The writing assignment. In a response of at least ONE page, address what life issues and conflicts the film portrayed. What message does the film communicate? Is that message effective?

This assignment will be due Monday in class. You can post brief comments on the blog, but please write your extended response for yourself and bring to class so we can seminar.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Deep Impact

The film is not simply a disaster flick of epic proportions; it is significant inquiry into the question "What makes us human?"

Discuss your thoughts and reactions to the film. Criticism welcomed!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Language in Our Ever-Evolving World

Think of all the new language generated thanks to the booming digital age. Just a few years ago the words "blog", "blogging", and "blogger" would have been meaningless letters. Why that word? Where did it come from? How did it come to mean personally-published internet journal?

What other new words have been coined and added to our daily lexicon? Where did they come from? Use your best guess or do some research!

Let's make our own new words as well!

HOMEWORK: Read Climate change articles in textbook, pages 862-887; take brief notes for use on Wednesday's quiz

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wall E

Reactions? Comments? Concerns? Responses?