Thursday, February 26, 2009


What is it? For those of you who attended the field trip, explain your experience for your classmates. What did you learn?

EXTRA CREDIT: Create a photo essay from your experience at ASU. Just like an actual essay, be sure your photo essay has an intro, body, and conclusion. You can include a few key words, quotes, or info in order to clarify your message.


Anonymous said...

Sustainablility in a sense, is having the ability to maintain a certain process or state. Sustainability involves factors including environment, economics, and society. There are various fields and aspects of sustainability that all have a common goal: to make our world a better place. Trash isnt the only thing affecting our earth; anything from the way a building is built to what kind of light bulb to use affects our way of life. Sustainablility is a career field that gives the earth hope a chance at longer life. Becoming involved, I believe, is really really worth while. I ejoyed this experience.

Anonymous said...

Sustainability, in regards to the lecture given at ASU, is the ability to provide a healthy and just life for everyone on earth, for current and future generations, in the larger attempt of making the ecosystems of other speicies more equipt to sustain variating forms of life. Basically, according to modern standards of living, we are killing the earth-making it unsustainable for the use of future generations. By becoming a more "green" world we can still keep our luxuries of living, simply by creating products that are environmentally friendly. For example, the Building of Sustainability at ASU generates electricity from wind powered fans on the roof. Also, the building was renovated instead of being torn down and built new, which in itself is a step toward conserving money and products. Everything from the carpet, counters, toilets, and lighting is all recycled products or energy saving equipment. Thus, ASU has set an example for all colleges and urbanized area that going "green" is sustainable and in the end "pays" off.

Justin McClelland

Anonymous said...

Sustainability, to me, is basically when the people of a culture need to watch how much they use of their resources. we learned about a culture that went extinct because they over used the fertile ground, and they chopped down all of the trees. basically it means that you need to sustain what you use so not only you can use it, it can be reproduced for everyone to use.

i really liked hanging out at ASU there were lots of hippies and lots of stuff to buy. i got alot of pretty snobby looks, but i dont care cause i'd round house kick them in the face, then go listen to the guy who was reciting the bible. i really enjoyed it, if i had good grades and enough money i would totally go there. but i dont so im going to MCC, which i heard from a student, actually has better parties...:)

Anonymous said...

know how there are all those desks and stuff out in the parking lot right? there is a dump in phoenix that pays by the weight, if we were able to get some heavy stuff and a few family members to donate some trucks to use, we could make a good chunk of change.

Anonymous said...

My experience at ASU was pretty good. i liked learing about the things they make with recycled soda cans and milk jugs. also the carpet and how it was all recycled. I liked the idea that the guy(forgot his name) was talking about with the building, with the open air and all that good stuff. I have been thinking about going to ASU for awhile now. but if i went to be honest, i would not go for that. i think the best thing about today was seeing all the ASU girls. I counted 210 really hot chicks, you know the ones you dont see in copa.
But to be honest the three people that talked did a good job and maybe talked people into sustainability.

Cee-Cee said...

From what tony was saying, the guy who talked about the building, if there was really so much saved, why arent all buildings treated this way? obviously, not enough people know about this stuff becuase there is only one school f sustainability- that's the claim anyway and i disagree. At work tonight i went to tell the custodian there was a mess in the girls bathroom i found him talking with some guy about the economy and the bail out plan and how GM is asking for another government grant, n that instead the government should let GM die out and fund eco friendly dealers like Subaru. now i dont know how much fact lies with this since i heard it from a random person, but the thought process is still there, why isnt the government funding the eco friendly stuff? people claim its cost, but -again reference- which column would you rather be in, little cost now or no chance later? and going back to the presentation, they supposedly saved money using the resources that were already there. My point is- people KNOW about all this stuff, people have great IDEAS how to fix whats going on, but not many are doing anything about it. The school of sustainability is one building on a campus of many, one program of many, admittedly with break off plans, the gardening plans and what not, and it’s a great start, but it is only that, a start. N a small one at that. The only way to really get something done is government involved, but government will only find it worth the investment once its too late.

***i really liked how andrew pointed out that the only way to achieve this concept is a socialist system, which according to my conservative friends is obamma's attempt. my thoughts on this is that, as the woman said socialism isnt such a bad idea, in the right hands though. but that much power never falls to the right hands for long. so in the long run, not sure it would work. Also, because of how things are today everything would need to be taken from everyone and re-distributed. This would be a long and complicated process. However, if we were to fall into a depression- not Great Depression, but mild, we would be forced to give up some of what we have to survive, then we become more appreciative of what we have. Past generations didn’t have much, they learned to compensate and survive, later generations spoiled their kids because they could and these kids want more more more. that’s where the problem is today.

So I also really liked the little chart that showed sustainability being social economic and environment. Because we’ve talked about how our social needs have created economic and environmental factors, but it was put into a sort of new light they it wasn’t so much cause and effect but an intermingled web. And I defiantly think that the Easter Island story is an important one, us being the island. There needs to be away for more people to get this information, more people to get involved. More people with the right inspiration… however, I’ve just become one of those people complaining about a situation, with no solution. Oh bother…

Cee-Cee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cee-Cee said...

What i meant to say is- alex has a great idea, what are they doing with all that stuff? do school officials know they could be recycled? was any of the old buildings they just tore down recycled? did those buildings really need to be torn down in the first place? was any of this considered in the school plans? are our school buildings eco friendly? certainly not as much as the school of sustainability... N how about what went into making the new buildings then? Are they cost efficient? Heating/cooling/lighting. Everything looks really nice, but how “nice” is it really?

Anonymous said...

When you first think of sustainability you think of the enviroment. The enviroment is sustainability but it is only one part of it. Sustainability also extends to the economy and society. Sustainability is how we have to try to solve our problems today and make ourselves be able to continue on without interfereing with what we might need to do in the future. That was what we learned in the first section of the presentation. The second section a lady explained to us that they have multiple majors in sustainability which I did not know. Finally the third section was the best. A very nice man stood up and told us about how the building was "green." From the carpets, to the counters, paint and glue it was all non-toxic and green. I was amazed at the ideas that he had. I especially thought that the toilet flush handles prevented mold and germs from spreading and that you could half flush it and full flush it. some of the ideas that they had were really great such as using lots of windows for natural light which we have alot of in Arizona. This was a great trip and I would definately recommend it to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Sustainability was created to help preserve what we have left on this planet and to ensure a better environment for the future. What i heard at the presentation is a lot of information that i already knew. It was more of a refresher than anything else. I really like how the whole building was made of recycled items. There are not many of those around and it was kind of special to me to be standing in what could be the future of the world.

Anonymous said...

Links to help fund:

Anonymous said...

Sustainability is the ability to preserve a way of life for the future as well as the present. The enviorment is only one of the factors that must be considered, there is also economic and soical aspects to take into consideration. Sustainability is an up and rising profession that has been escalated due to high demand. (sorry i posted late i didn't know we had to post every night T____T)

Anonymous said...

As for the lecture in at ASU, the definition I received about sustainibility was that it was what we socially, economically and environmentally wanted to save for our future. I enjoyed the first speaker. She seemed more interesting and I actually understood most of what she said. The ASU experience in all was fun. It was nice to see the college life actually in action. I have been to the campus before but I have never been there during the school day. It was nice to see how calm and easy it was to see everyone walk to each class and to eat. I had alot of fun.

Anonymous said...
(look under programs)
(lot o money)
(lots o money possibly)
(chase bank)
(wells fargo)
(bank of america)
(need to do first),,139_414_430,00.html
(do second)

these are all that i could find but they look good!
i would advise they be looked over more closely.

christen valentine

Anonymous said...

by the way those are grants

Anonymous said...

that is a specific solar panel grant, i would totally do it, but i dont have a printer, if anyone would like to fil it out and stuff that would be great.

Anonymous said...

What I learned at ASU about Sustainability, is being able to preserve a way of life or process we have now in the future. To my surprise it has to do with the environment, money(economics), and our society. Today we are limiting what future generation will have due to our lack of knowledge of our world. We waste lots of trash and continue to get into valuable and limited resources without thinking of its long term effect. I learned that if we would all put more time and effort into taking care of our world, it will be around for our future generations.

Anonymous said...

if anyone want to see comedy related to sustainability watch these links. they are from the fern gully the last rain forest movie that come out in 1992!

this one is the batty rap:
it is about anime testing! (i know how could that be funny and effective? watch it it's good for you!)

this link is about the effect that nature has on us and us on nature!

it is hilarious and really good for you and educational.
i promise you wont feel your brain expanding with knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Alex that looks awesome with the solar panels grant!
i'm going to do it butlike 4-5 other need to at will make a bigger imapact!

Anonymous said...

Sustainability is the simple concept of maintaining a normal state. According to the presentation at ASU there are three important factors, the environment, the economy, and the social aspect of life. Many individuals have overlooked the effortless forms of maintaining this world at a sustainable point. Making our world an inhabitable place is our goal, because at the rate we are constantly living our future does not look too good. There are many new inventions today that are helping our environment out, such as the "recycled" building at ASU, where all if not most of the ammenities there have been made out of recycled matters. Keeping our economy at a sustainable level is key to making our way of living feasible. There are billions of people in the world and is still growing, so why not make an effort to help the world we live in, it only takes a small amount of effort to help begin to make minute changes. Little by little, with more and more help from others we can make a difference in our environment, society, and economy.

I was really persuaded by the first presentor, she really grabbed my attention and I found all her facts and details interesting. I want to help make our world as sustainable as we possibly can, together i do believe we can make a difference, even if it is slowly, the point is that the driv is there, before it is too late. Attendind ASU was a great experience for me, I was saddly not convinced that ASU was the college for me, but i learned alot form the presentation, and hope the college I attend can one day follow ASU's approach.
I hope these trips can become an annual experience for the underclassmen, because the experience was not only helpful but fun.

Anonymous said...

So everybody pretty much defined sustainability to all of its essences. As far as the ASU presentation went, I really enjoyed the experience. I was very impressed by the first presentation because it had many interesting and relevant facts. I felt that she truly cared about the subject, all the more, making her argument more convincing. The second presentation really opened up my eyes about the variety of majors within sustainability. I loved that most of them are trans-disciplinary and they combined related majors together. When the presentation ended, I was about 50 percent convinced that I should go to ASU and the Global Institute of Sustainability. But no matter what, I know that studying sustainability is always an option.

Anonymous said...

students cant apply for this grant but the administration can

Anonymous said...

ok I take that last one back because I guess you have to actually live in San Jose to get the grant :/ my bad
heres another one though...

there is an education category but it is not specific to going green

Anonymous said...

Sustainability is a NEED that must to be practiced to save and replace so much of what we have lost......what is it that we lost you ask? Our sence of ability to make a change!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sustainability is a NEED that must to be practiced to save and replace so much of what we have lost......what is it that we lost you ask? Our sence of ability to make a change!!!!


Anonymous said...;jsessionid=AQMJ5Q2CN1DJLLARAAV5YAI?contentId=WCMP04-031767
heres a link to finding grants. its for the Target company.

Anonymous said...

so....interesting real life story that relates to this topic. for dinner my mom threw together last minute taco salad. normally my dad goes all out with this meal making his own taco meat, homemade salsa and guacamole, and everything. this time, we had salsa out of a jar and no taco meat :(. My mother apologized saying, "Sorry kids, i don't do gourmet, i just sustain life." The meal still satisfied our hunger just as well as the "gourmet" version. That was really the only thing that matters. Maybe we can see our world in this way. Life doesn't need to be all souped up for us to live it. If we cut back on our consumption but still fill our basic needs then we can come closer to that goal of keeping our planet sustainable.

Anonymous said...

*Extra Credit*

The web link posted above is a list of grants provided to schools grades K-12 for sustainability. Although, the page says for Caronlina schools it is simply not updated and actually applies to all schools, regardless of location. The page is full of direct links to grant pages for a number of organizations and projects. I hope this helps in our schools attempt to become more "green". :)

Justin McClelland