Friday, September 21, 2007

Epics and Essays

This week we finished our unit on Anglo-Saxon literature and the epic. We spent most of the week outlining and prewriting for our compare and contrast essay. These essays will compare epic elements of Beowulf, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and The Iliad.

HOMEWORK: Finish FINAL draft of essay due Monday.

Remember to keep reading for your QUARTER project...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Epic of Gilgamesh

This week, we're reading the Epic of Gilgamesh (the oldest recorded narrative in the world!) and comparing its epic elements to Beowulf. Your projects are due on Friday!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Beowulf, part 2

Today we finished the epic poem (or at least a short version) Beowulf. Read p. 39, "The Fury of the Northmen" and complete the Response and Analysis on p. 40.

EXTRA CERDIT: POST a comment about whether you think Beowulf's choice to face the dragon was a brave decision or a dumb idea. Explain your belief.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today we finished part one. At home, you need to read the article on "Life in 999 AD" as well as complete the Response and Analysis questions on p. 32. We will continue reading tomorrow, and a QUIZ on the entire sotry and vocabulary will be on Monday.

You also received project handouts today, start thinking about, planning, and working on your project NOW. Avoid waiting until the last minute. The project will be due Friday, September 14, and is worth 20% of your grade (so far) in this class.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weekly Vocabulary

Define and write contextual sentences for each of the following words. Hint: use the index or glossary of your literature book to help you find definitions.

1. motifs
2. archetype
3. foreshadow
4. epic
5. epic hero
6. imagery
7. symbolism
8. syntax